Applied Mathematics Faculty Members
Adalsteinsson, David
Biology, interface problems, spatial modeling, algorithm development, making tools for scientific computing and visualization
Camassa, Roberto
Kenan Distinguished Professor
Applied mathematics, applied analysis, fluid dynamics
Forest, M. Gregory
Grant Dahlstrom Distinguished Professor
Mathematical modeling and experimental data analytics, applications to chromosome biology, respiratory infection and immune responses, mucosal membranes, drug delivery, and medicine
Griffith, Boyce
Computational and applied mathematics, cardiovascular physiology, fluid-structure interaction, high-performance scientific computing
Huang, Jingfang
Analysis based fast algorithms, integral equations, potential theory, scientific computing, fluid dynamics, molecular mechanics, quantum chemistry, data analysis
Kovalsky, Shahar
Assistant Professor
Numerical optimization, computational geometry and imaging, machine learning and their applications in biology and medicine
Leiderman, Karin
Associate Professor
Mathematical biology, mathematical modeling of biochemical systems, especially blood coagulation, and computational biofluid dynamics
Lou, Yifei
Associate Professor
Image processing, sparse signal recovery, numerical analysis and optimization algorithms
McLaughlin, Richard
Experimental, theoretical, and computational fluid dynamics, random phenomena, and stochastic partial differential equations
Mitran, Sorin
Computational simulation of multiscale, multiphysics systems, data-driven constitutive relations for hyperelastic materials, nonlinear mode reduction, information geometry for reduced stochastic models
Moosmueller, Caroline
Assistant Professor
Geometric data analysis, computational optimal transport, numerical analysis and approximation theory, applications in biology and medicine
Newhall, Katherine
Associate Professor
Applied mathematics, stochastic differential equations, dynamical systems
Sáenz, Pedro
Assistant Professor
Physical applied mathematics, soft and active matter, hydrodynamic quantum analogs, nonequilibrium physics, fluid mechanics