Post-Colloquium Tea
Phillips Hall 330Please join us in Phillips Hall, Room 330 for tea following the Applied Mathematics Colloquium.
Please join us in Phillips Hall, Room 330 for tea following the Applied Mathematics Colloquium.
Limited space available so sign up now! Given the success of the faculty lightning talks in January, the faculty will repeat this, but we are also creating an event for you the graduate students to develop and practice your “elevator pitch” … Read more
Please join us in Phillips Hall, Room 330 for tea following the Applied Mathematics Colloquium.
Title: Slice-Matching for Measure Transport: Approximation and Iterative Schemes Speaker: Shiying Li, Department of Mathematics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Abstract: Transporting and estimating probability measures are fundamental tasks in various generative modeling methods like normalizing flows. An … Read more
Please join us in Phillips Hall, Room 330 for tea following the Applied Mathematics Colloquium.
Title: Local identifiability analysis approaches for mathematical modeling of biological soft tissues Speaker: Mansoor Haider, Department of Mathematics, North Carolina State University Abstract: The accurate estimation, interpretation, and elimination of parameters in mathematical models depends on the structure of the … Read more
Please join us in Phillips Hall, Room 330 for tea following the Applied Mathematics Colloquium.
The second Triangle Computational and Applied Mathematics Symposium (TriCAMS) will be jointly hosted by Duke University and NC Central University. The first day of the conference will be at NCCU and the second day and a half will be at … Read more
Title: Coarsening dynamics of condensing fluid thin films Speaker: Thomas P. Witelski, Department of Mathematics, Duke University Abstract: The behavior of thin layers of viscous fluids coating solid surfaces is of importance in many industrial and natural applications. Interfacial instabilities … Read more
Please join us in Phillips Hall, Room 330 for tea following the Applied Mathematics Colloquium.
Title:Detection and recovery of low-rank signals under heteroskedastic noise Speaker: Boris Landa, Department of Mathematics, Yale University Abstract: A fundamental task in data analysis is to detect and recover a low-rank signal in a noisy data matrix. Typically, this task is … Read more
Title: Bubble clusters and particle-pair dispersion in bubble-laden flows Speaker: Tian Ma, Institute of Fluid Dynamics, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden–Rossendorf (HZDR), Dresden, Germany Abstract: Bubble clusters We use experiments to study the evolution of bubble clusters in a swarm of freely rising, … Read more