Post-Colloquium Tea
Phillips Hall 330Please join us in Phillips Hall, Room 330 for tea following the Applied Mathematics Colloquium.
Please join us in Phillips Hall, Room 330 for tea following the Applied Mathematics Colloquium.
Title: Spreading of Innovations on Networks Speaker: Gadi Fibich, School of Mathematical Sciences, Tel Aviv University Abstract: Spreading (diffusion) of new products is a classical problem. Traditionally, it has been analyzed using the compartmental Bass model, which implicitly assumes that … Read more
Title: Mathematical modeling of polymerization processes in physiology Speaker: Anna C. Nelson, Department of Mathematics, Duke University Abstract: Polymerization, or aggregation, is essential for many physiological systems. For example, the emergence of a fibrin polymer mesh during the formation of … Read more
Please join us in Phillips Hall, Room 330 for tea following the Applied Mathematics Colloquium.
Title: TBA Speaker: Brennan Sprinkle, Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics Abstract: TBA
Please join us in Phillips Hall, Room 330 for tea following the Applied Mathematics Colloquium.
Title: Formulating Effective Models, Methods, and Conceptual Frameworks for the Geoscience Speaker: Juan M. Restrepo, Computer Science and Mathematics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Abstract: Can waves transport significant amounts of ocean heat and tracers great distances, thus affecting Earth’s … Read more
Graduate Research Showcase Speakers: Applied Math Graduate Students, UNC-Chapel Hill Abstract: This week is our Graduate Research Showcase! Graduate students in Applied Math will be presenting their research in preparation for UNC’s 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) competition at the end … Read more
Postdoctoral Associates Research Showcase Speakers: Applied Math Postdoctoral Associates, UNC-Chapel Hill Abstract: Join us as we hear some of our Postdoctoral Associates present extended abstracts of their recent work. This new format is longer than a lightning talk and shorter … Read more
Title: Early warning signals for dynamics on networks Speaker: Naoki Masuda, Department of Mathematics and Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, State University of New York at Buffalo Abstract: Complex dynamical systems often show sudden major changes, or tipping … Read more
The third Triangle Computational and Applied Mathematics Symposium (TriCAMS) will be hosted by UNC Chapel Hill on October 26 and 27. The conference will have four Plenary talks, including Mike Shelley of New York University and the Flatiron Institute, highlight … Read more
Title: Unsupervised Learning Approaches for Dual-Domain Clustering with Applications in Public Health Speaker: Mansoor Haider, Department of Mathematics, North Carolina State University Abstract: Many policymaking questions in public health are driven by data sets representing both application-specific attributes and geographic … Read more